Sunday, January 27, 2008

Leisure Time

Originally uploaded by simoblog
Club Generation


Blogger Leticia Hasselmann said...

Hello Simona, where are you? You have such an interesting blog, it's been a little while since the last post..are you still in Tangier?

Leticia Hasselmann

3:16 PM  
Blogger Simona said...

Hi Leticia,
Yes it has been some time. I got frustrated with the blog format and have been working on bigger projects. I'm getting a website ready. It will be at, but isn't there yet. Blogging consistently is quite time consuming. In any case, I am in New York and Paris for the summer and I'll be back in Tangier for another year in September. Are you in Tangier? I never did learn what you were up to. If you're there, my photographs are visible at the bed and breakfast Dar Nour in the Kasbah. Go take a look.
Thanks for visiting.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Lukas Balthasar said...

Thank you for your work - très cultivé & früsch, thoughtful, sensitive and sincere, beautiful!

I discovered your blog after a brief trip to Tangier last week. I am curious about other work you do - any hints? The website you referred to isn't active (2009/02/21)?

Pour les francophones - je n'ai pas vu dans ce blog la référence à l'ouvrage " Tanger, ville frontière " auquel Simona a contribué.
Semble être intéressant, voir,

4:44 AM  

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