Because the party was all women, some women did take off their headscarves, but many did not since the bride�s brothers and father were also buzzing about. Taking off their headscarves was a major step for some, and for others, dancing belly-shaking style, tying their headscarf around their hips the better to move in their hips, feel them and control them into a sinuous, sexy dance, was absolutely necessary.
The more relatives and friends came, the more the room filled up and resembled a harem. Especially with some girls constantly dancing in the narrow aisle. It seems the other women clapped and nodded approvingly and smiled encouragingly when a girl was very good. It was a kind of school of sexiness. I came to wonder if it is normal for a girl to dance alone for a man once they are married, for she certainly can�t dance for just anyone.
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